540-542 Union Ave. Belleville, NJ 07109

Field Trip Rescheduled

Dear Parents, Our school-wide field trip to Ponderosa Park has been rescheduled for Thursday July 28th. We have only a few spots left. Please stop by the office for a permission slip or if you have any questions. Thanks!!

Introducing Pizza Fridays!!

We are proud to announce a partnership with our local Domino’s Pizza restaurant. Pizza will be served each and every Friday going forward as well as drinks, compliments of Big Smiles. As an added convenience, parents now have at least one day out of the week...

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Big Smiles will be open normal hours on Martin Luther King day. However, we should all take a moment and reflect on the impact that Dr. King has made on our country in regards to civil rights. His 1963  “I have a dream” speech paved the way for freedom,...